Short description
Access process

What must you do as an external contractor?

  1. After commissioning, each and every person employed at our factory must carry out security training online. This training is valid for one year and must be repeated at the end of the year.
  2. You may independently start the access process via the online registration portal on the Internet             www.sicherheit-mt-kreuzau.de
  3. Please fill out the registration form completely.
  4. After this step the online safety briefing can begin. Read through the texts carefully, after each section, one or two multiple choice comprehension questions are asked. If you have answered the question(s) correctly, you will be taken to the next section. Once you have read through all the sections and have answered all the questions correctly, you will receive a security certificate,valid for a maximum of one year. The Certificate will be sent to you as a PDF document to the e-mail address you specified. This e-mail will also be simultaneously sent to your contact person at Metsä Tissue  so that they will be informed as well. 
  5. When entering the factory via the gate on the day of commissioning, it is imperative that you bring your valid safety certificate and present it to the gate personnel without being asked. Only after presenting this certificate will the personnel create your company badge. If the safety certificate is not available or your contact person can not be reached, the gate personnel may not allow you access to the factory. The company badge must always be visible on the outside of your clothing during the entire period of your time at the factory.
  6. Only in absolutely exceptional cases may the online security briefing be completed at the gate, at a computer terminal provided for this purpose . To do this, however, your local contact must give you clearance, as only he can then send the safety certificate to the gate.
  7. The personal protective equipment required by us is to be brought along on the commissioning day and must be used in the factory during your entire stay. Offenses will be punished by expulsion from the factory premises.
  8. We can not give general entry permits for automobiles. However, you can request one from your responsible contact person. It is up to the contact person and plant security whether you receive a general entry permit, but this can be revoked at any time. Should you receive an auto entry permit, the gate will provide you with documentation and assign you a fixed parking space on our factory premises. Please park only there. Please place in a visible location on dashboard behind the windscreen. 
  9. For unloading and loading of vehicles you will be given a max.period of  30 minutes and a short-term entry permit after consultation between our security guards and your local contact person. Then park your vehicle in the parking lot assigned to you by the guards.
  10. All persons who have not been granted entry permits should park their vehicles in the parking lot next to the gate. These spaces are  assigned by the guards.
  11. This access process also applies to subcontractors. The main contractor is responsible for this

Notes on completing the  OnlineRegistration:
In order for your registration to be processed in good time, you must register at least 3 work days in advance. 

"Responsible contact person of the external company": This is the responsible person of the external company (for example, managing director / owner).

The "Date of Access" must not be in the past!

"Contact person at Metsä Tissue GmbH": Please enter the correct e-mail address here.
Example: ( Max.Mustermann@Metsagroup.com )

If you have more than one contact person at Metsä Tissue, please enter the one for whom you will carry out your first work order. As standard procedure, you are still required to contact your responsible contact person in person before starting work, so that we know that you want to start your work and, if necessary, so further safety instructions can be given. After each job is completed, you must contact your contact person personally / by telephone. Only after that may you carry out new orders. If you would like to carry out a new order for another contact person in the factory, you may only start after you have personally contacted him and he has given you the approval. Another safety briefing may also be necessary in this case .

For Questions about the Registration Process: Factory Security, Düren: +49(0)2421-4405-200
For Questions about Safety Instruction: Work Safety, Düren: +49(0)2421-4405-125

You will be prompted to enter your personal information. This data will be stored and deleted after 13 months. The data will be provided to the company Metsä Tissue GmbH. This collected data is needed to create the certificate, which is created as a PDF file, at the end of the security briefing and will be sent to you by e-mail. We also store this data in order to verify that you have participated in this safety instruction in the past 12 months, in the event you lose your company ID and the certificate.

Please give your express consent.

Note :

If you do not agree with the storage of your data, this instruction / training will not be continued and you will not be granted access to the factory.


Please fill in all
fields for data collection

Required data for the registration through the online security admission



Person in authority / contractor

Contact Metsä Tissue GmbH


General operating instructions for external companies at Metsä Tissue GmbH

1. Introduction

These general operating guidelines for external companies are an integral part of the contract and therefore binding.
Before commencing work, the contractor must obtain permission to do so from the client through a personal interview. The client will assign to the contractor a contact person who will be available to him on the factory premises for further inquiries. On-site instruction is carried out by means of the form "instruction of external companies".

The employees of the contractor must log in or out of the respective operating areas daily before the start of work and after the end of work.
Please review the regulations that are relevant to your work before you start working within our company.
This applies in particular to the observance of occupational, fire and environmental protections. If these statutory provisions are specified by official measures (permits, orders, etc.), you are obliged, where relevant, to comply with them.
You are obliged to observe the internal occupational health and safety, fire and environmental protection regulations (alarm plan, disposal guidelines, etc.) as well as our hygiene regulations and to monitor and ensure their compliance by your employees and any subcontractors you may have. Please name a responsible contact person.
In accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, you must take measures to prevent occupational accidents and comply with the provisions of these accident prevention regulations and also any generally accepted safety and occupational health regulations.

To the extent provided in other legal requirements, especially safety and environmental regulations, these provisions remain unaffected.
Persons with infectious diseases included in the (German) Protection against Infection Acts may not enter the factory premises. This includes infectious diseases such as acute infectious gastroenteritis (sudden onset infectious diarrhea), cholera, typhus or paratyphoid fever, hepatitis A or E (liver inflammation), infected wounds or skin diseases that can potentially be transmitted via food or food contact materials.

What should be considered before starting work in our factory?

2. Alarm regulations

In case of fire, accidents and other hazards:

1. Emergency Calls
External Emergency number : 0 112 
(in Kreuzau local: 6 112)
Also inform gatekeeper and supervisor

2. Escape Routes

Please note the emergency  exits and rescue plans. When a warning signal sounds and in case of a fire, the buildings must be immediately exited via the nearest escape routes, emergency exits and emergency staircases. This also involves alerting people in the vicinity and helping injured people. Find the designated assembly points.

3. Authority

The instructions of  rescue personne, factory safety/security officers and your supervisor must be obeyed.

How do you deal with accidents, fires and emergencies?

3. Prohibitions

1. Alcohol and Stimulants

Smoking, consumption of alcohol and other intoxicants is strictly prohibited within the factory premises and in vehicles. Smoking is only permitted in the specially designated smoking areas. It is forbidden to bring alcohol or other intoxicants on factory grounds. It is also prohibited to enter the factory grounds under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicant.

2. Food and Drink

In all production areas, the consumption of food and drink is prohibited. There are designated break rooms available for eating and drinking. Exception: Water in plastic bottles is allowed in production areas.

3. Secrecy

Producing records of equipment and work methods is not permitted. This includes a photography ban - including mobile phones. In addition, employees of external companies are obliged to maintain secrecy with respect to third parties even after completion of their employment .

4. Restricted Access

Work areas other than those assigned to you may not be entered on your own authority.

5. Dangerous work

Dangerous work is prohibited. Exceptions with written permission e.g. at:

  • Working in containers and tight spaces 
  • Working with the risk of ignition (welding, burning, drilling, flexing, etc.)
  • Working on roofs
  • Working in potentially explosive environments

6. Work Equipment

In principle, no Metsä Tissue-owned work equipment should be used, unless this has been expressly agreed upon. Once the use has been agreed upon, the contractors shall be instructed in the safe handling of said  equipment. Required tools, operating aids and operating supplies from Metsä Tissue stocks are to be requested from the respective departments. The issuance is documented. 

7. Safety Precautions 

Safety devices must not be removed or rendered ineffective.
In order to maintain safety and order, inspections are carried out by the factory security. The controls cover persons, vehicles and all carried containers and objects. The instructions of the factory security personnel are to be followed immediately. Violations can lead to the immediate exclusion of the contractor.

8. Hygienic Areas

When entering hygienic areas (production, processing, raw material, mother roll, packaging and finished goods warehouses), the hygiene instructions in chapter 7 must  be observed.

Am I allowed to smoke on factory premises and in vehicles?

4. Accident prevention

1. Regulations

The statutory and professional labor, environmental and health protection/ accident prevention regulations apply. The legal workday time regulations must be observed. The contractor must inform his/her employees (including subcontractors) about possible dangers at their workstations in our factory

2. Condition of Work Equipment 

All work equipment used for the fulfillment of the contract must comply with legal and regulatory requirements and may only be used in the prescribed manner. Portable electrical equipment may only be used with current test evidence according to DGUV regulation 3 (German Statutory Accident Insurance). It must be functional and in  flawless condition.

3. Personal Protective Equipment

Insofar as the wearing of personal protective equipment is necessary and prescribed for the intended work or in certain areas, the external contractor must provide this to its employees in sufficient quantities. Employees are obliged to use this personal protective equipment as intended. Please observe the rules for personal protective equipment that are generally applicable at Metsä Tissue GmbH.


This is especially true for:

  • Working in high-altitude workplaces. Fall protection devices, safety harnesses or fall arresters must be used for this purpose.
  • Walking on the roof surfaces requires a separate permit.
  • Working in chemical storage or metering areas. Persons working there must be instructed about the dangers and must use the prescribed protective clothing (protective goggles, protective gloves and if applicable protective suit).

4. Safety Shoe Requirements

Safety shoes must be worn throughout the company premises. These must comply at least with S1 standards and if necessary with higher value, depending on the job (eg when working with chemicals or electrical equipment).

5. Safety Labels

Safety on our premises must be observed. Inquire about escape and rescue routes, the bandage stations and the fire extinguishing agents!

6. Mains electrical connections

Mains electrical connections to the Metsä Tissue Network may only be performed by Metsä Tissue electricians or under their direction and supervision. Electric feed points must be agreed upon with the electrical department. Passing through the electrical switch and distribution rooms is only permitted by Metsä Tissue electrical specialists or persons who have been trained in electrical engineering (internally or externally), provided they have received appropriate instructions for the respective room.

Feed points for the energy supply are to be fed in by the external company via an SPE-PRCD. Cable reels (cable drums) and single-phase work equipment must only be operated behind a SPE-PRCD (ground fault circuit interrupter/ RCD) (In Raubach, the use of an SPE-PRCD/RCD must be coordinated with the local electrical department). The relevant regulations from VDE 0100-410, 0661 and BGI 608 apply here. According to the current standard, this is also an integral component for preventing the automatic restart of machines after voltage recovery.
Portable electrical equipment may only be used with current test evidence according to DGUV regulation 3.

7. Cranes, Industrial Trucks, Platform Lifts

Cranes, aerial work platforms and power-driven material handling equipment (e.g. forklifts) may only be used by persons who are in possession of a valid driving license and have been commissioned to do so. In addition, the contractor must have been instructed in the operation and handling of the in-house transport systems and pointed out the local sources of danger!

8. Scaffolding Work

Scaffolding must be checked for stability and structural integrity before starting work. Also your responsible contact person should inspect the proper condition of the scaffolding. Only then is it allowed to enter.

9. Radiation Protection

For work on paper machines (and in KRE additionally on stock preparation 5): For work in the scope of the measuring frame quality control systems (and additionally in KRE on the belt scale rod 5), the employees must be instructed by our radiation protection officer.

Which personal protective equipment must be worn within the entire factory premises or be carried with you?

5. Fire protection

1. Smoking Ban

There is an absolute ban on smoking within factory premises with the exception of the designated smoking areas! Fire and open flames are absolutely forbidden!

2. Welding, cutting, working with open flames

For welding, torch cutting and cutting work as well as work with an open flame, a written permit (welding permit) must be obtained from management or departmental supervisors . The safety instructions printed in the welding permit must be strictly observed. The fire protection officer must be notified before starting work. The welding permit is to be carried with you during the execution of the work.

Welding, cutting, working with open flames?

6. Environmental protection


1. Rules

The legal and environmental requirements imposed by the authorities apply. The environmental protection instructions for the individual work areas also apply to external companies.

2. Noise Protection

Before starting work, the contractor must inform himself about the noise protection requirements in the respective factory.
During the workweek from Monday to Friday, noise protection times are from 22:00 to 6:00. During this time noise-relevant work to be performed must be approved by our environmental or immission control officer. On the weekends, work is generally prohibited for noise-related activities. Exceptions require written permission from the management.

3. Water Pollution Prevention

The discharge of chemicals, cleaning and other waste water into surface waters or the soil is prohibited.
The discharge of cleaning and other waste water into the operational sewage system must be approved by our water protection officer. Chemicals must be stored in such a way that damage to the containers and thus leakage of the substances is avoided.In some cases collection trays can be used. Sufficient binding agents shall be provided.

4. Waste Disposal

The correct disposal of waste arising from the work is the responsibility of the contractor, as far as the materials provided by him are concerned. Metsä Tissue reserves the right to inspect the evidence of disposal (for hazardous waste).

5. Waste Sorting and Separation

Waste remaining in our factory must be sorted and placed in the appropriate containers. Please note the tank markings and the disposal plans. If you have any questions, please contact the Environmental Officer.

6. Chemicals, Detergents, Processing Agents

If the use of chemical agents (chemicals, detergents, supplies, etc.) is required in your work, a current safety data sheet about this substance must be sent to the environmental officer and the safety expert in advance, including information on where and in what quantity the substance is to be used , This also applies to trial products. The use of these products requires the approval of the environmental officer.
Shall be submitted upon request :

  • Risk assessment 
  • Instructions on jobsite safety
  • Hazardous materials handling instructions 

7. Leaks , Chemical Accidents

Accidents involving chemicals, oils and other substances hazardous to water must be reported to the water protection officer and the safety specialist immediately. Outdoor chemicals must be absorbed immediately with a binder. Inlets or drains must be sealed with sealing bags/stoppers (company fire brigade!).
At the beginning of the work sufficient binder is to be provided.

8. Energy

The energy consumption of plants and tools is an important criterion for us. Economical use of energy sources is very important . If your work has a significant impact on energy-related installations and equipment (such as work on insulation, compressors, heat exchangers), your contact person must be informed.

If electrical or compressed air operated devices are used, care must be taken to ensure the conservation of energy. Wherever possible, low energy consumption devices and processes should be used and these devices should be turned off at inactive times, e.g. breaks, after hours . Basically, energy should be used consciously and sparingly.

9. Outside Materials and Resources

If the contractor brings in materials, these must be used and stored in accordance with the regulations. For example, flamable liquids must be secured against leakage and stored in drip pans.

Who is responsible for the professional disposal of waste generated during your work?

7. Personal and product hygiene

1. Hygiene Rules

In order to achieve perfect hygienic conditions for our employees and products, it is necessary that the employees of external companies adhere to the usual hygiene rules (use of the toilets, hand washing, etc.). Please use the means provided for hand disinfection. The hygiene rules of the respective plant must be adhered to by external company employees as well.

2. Product Contamination

The activities of contractors must not contaminate our products and raw materials, as this may endanger both employees and customers (e.g. by metal chips, broken glass, etc.). Before starting work, the hygiene officer/ departmental manager must be informed about which protective  and behavioral measures must be taken to avoid it. In the production areas it is prohibited to wear jewelry (watches, rings, earrings, necklaces, etc.). It is also prohibited to bring glass or porcelain items into these areas. Furthermore it is forbidden to bring along and/or use knives with snap-off blades.

3. Food and Drink

In all areas of production, the possession and consumption of food (food and drink) is prohibited. For eating and drinking there are designated break rooms available

4. Cleanliness

The workplace must be kept in good working condition and left clean and tidy after completion of  work.

Contamination of products?

8. Registration, organization, instruction

1. Log in / Log out 

The contractor's employees must sign in and out of the respective operating areas before the start of work and after the end of work.
The work which is carried out outside of the normal working hours (7:00 am - 4:00 pm) must be discussed with the client.

2. Delivered Materials 

The materials delivered by the contractor are to be reported immediately upon receipt of the goods, upon delivery of the invoice/pack-slip. In case of non-registration Metsä Tissue GmbH has no obligation to pay.

3. Organization

The work to be carried out must be organized in such a way that the mutual risks for people and equipment are kept minimized. In the event of discrepancies, the safety specialist must be informed. Or possibly request a coordinator.

4. Vehicles

The vehicles necessary for the execution of the work order are to be registered with the person responsible for the order. Within the fenced area you may only park in the spaces assigned to you. (In Kreuzau corresponding parking cards are issued by the gatekeeper.).

5. Traffic Control 

On factory grounds, the Highway Code applies. Driving speed is limited to 10 km/h. Mutual consideration facilitates cooperation! Industrial trucks have priority/right of way.
Special consideration for  Raubach: Railway traffic (shunting) is to be respected!

6. Instruction

A briefing of the person in charge of the external company is carried out by the person responsible for the order (or coordinator). The person in charge of the external company is responsible for instructing his employees and any subcontractors they may have.

7. Coordination

To ensure that employees of different contractors do not endanger or hinder each other at the workplace, mutual coordination with the inclusion of the coordinator is necessary before starting work.

8. Contractor’s Materials

Metsä Tissue GmbH is not liable for materials or equipment of the contractor which may have been lost on the premises. Please secure your property accordingly.

9. Monitoring/Auditing of  Work

Metsä Tissue has the right to check the performance of the contractor. The certificates of employment (hourly, weekly, invoices, etc.) and material receipts must be countersigned by Metsä Tissue. A copy of the supporting documents remains with the client and is the basis of the invoice.

10. Executive Management Decree

The management reserves the right to demand damages caused by misconduct, personal injury or environmental damage to the polluter and to declare a ban on entry in case of behavior contrary to safe practices.

11. Disruption

Any disruption or danger as well as personal, material or environmental damage resulting from the execution of work must be reported immediately to the person responsible for the order or to the coordinator.

Inspection/Audit of work?

9. Important telephone numbers

Emergency number (fire brigade, accident etc.) in

  • Düren, Raubach, Stotzheim: 0 112 (external)
  • Kreuzau: 6 112 (external)

Representatives and contact persons: see instruction form (at factory level)

Assembly Points:

See local escape and rescue plans

Energy procedures/processes before start of work?

Emergency und alarm plan

Assembly points

Protective gear


and finish

I hereby confirm that I accept and understand the contents of operational instructions. I also confirm that I have personally and independently answered all questions.